TrustTag New Sales Director

Chinese New Year Holiday
Please note that due to Lunar Chinese New Year holiday, our office and factory will be closed for normal business from 1st Feb through to 11st Feb 2019. We will be resuming on 12nd Feb.During the closure period, it will not be possible to accept any deliveries or orders. The aim of this notice is to minimize any inconvenience caused.Thank you for all your continuous support and kind understanding in the past years and we are looking forward to further successful collaboration.If you have any queries regarding our holiday closure, please do not hesitate to call us.Thank you.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
Merry Christmas! Here’s to another year of harmonious and prosperous business. This holiday season, TrustTag takes advantage of this season to express our gratitude and appreciation for your support to our company. And we are also looking forward to working with you in 2019! Wishing you, your employees and your family all the best this holiday season and through the coming year! Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! eckiNVoodWioRvCqPMtrust

Choosing Source Tagging For Increased Retail Security
By Simon Shi Having a secure retail store is at the forefront of every merchant’s mind. And with theft being a constant threat to retail security, more stores are looking to source tagging as both an effective and painless way to bolster loss-prevention methods. Not every retailer using these methods are implementing source tagging effectively; some are pointed in the entirely wrong direction. Let’s take a look at an overview of source tagging and how to make the best use of it for your retail store. What is Source Tagging? Source tagging (a type of Electronic Article Surveillance, or EAS), is when a small electronic device is embedded into packaging or is sewn unobtrusively onto the product itself. The tiny detectors are placed on products at or near the source (the supplier or manufacturer) rather than at the retailer. The retailer’s vendors are authorized to obtain the security tags and tag the items themselves before shipment, cutting down expensive labor costs for employee time spent tagging items in the store. Source tags come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but are always easy to handle and are incredibly effective for loss-prevention. Why Retail Theft is a Problem More companies are choosing to use source tagging because of the overwhelming statistics of shoplifting. In taking the United States into account, there are over 550,000 incidents of shoplifting per day, and a startling 13 billion dollars’ worth of goods stolen every single year – equating to 35 million dollars every day! […]

Will RFID Improve The Loss Prevention Function of Chinese Retail
Loss Prevention Committee of China General Chamber of Commerce announced that the Chinese retail lost value has reached 181 billion in 2016, commercial loss rate is 0.71% and it has been going up gradually in these recent 5 years. Internal and external theft is the main reason for the commercial loss. In the analysis report that the internal theft value is higher than the external theft. Therefore to control the internal theft is the main task in commercial loss prevention. Traditional loss prevention solution is not able to save retail loss prevention, that means loss prevention technology shall be upgraded. Many big retailers domestic and international have led in modernized anti-theft solutions including EAS, CCTV, POS/EM and so on. EAS security system is ususally installed at the conspicuous place of the shopping mall or supermarket, and it can detect the active EAS security tags attached on the commodities items and trigger warning light and sound. To use EAS anti-theft solution has powerful deterrent force on reducing external theft during retail stores opening. But the current EAS anti-theft security system has the defecs of low detection rate, faulse alarm, weak anti-interference, being shielded by metal, narrow protection range, non-recyclable EAS soft label and so on, which is already not able to meet the needs of existing anti-theft requirements. CCTV acts mostly as a deterrent for external and internal theft and records the entire process of the event. While its shortcoming is that closed-circuit monitoring systems are usually installed in hidden locations to remotely monitor specific areas, and the […]

How much labor cost can be saved with TrusTag’s Whale Tag?
TrustTag, one of the largest manufacturers in China of EAS security tags, RFID tags and other loss prevention products, recently launched a new product: Whale Tag. As you can see from the video, the application and detaching process with Whale Tag is so easy that much labor cost can be saved compare to traditional security tags. Besides, with combination of EAS and RFID, Whale Tag not only achieves anti-theft function as EAS tag, but also has the chasing and management function as RFID tag. Laser printing barcode in accord with RFID data can be etched on tag for easy scan and convenient use. Partnered with QueueHop, our Whale Tag is also available for Self-Checkout solution. KEY FEATURES Pending patent Work with Self-Checkout AM/RF and RFID combination One hand application and detaching process Hidden pin Light and creative design with strong structure Sales, warehouse, logistics management etc. with RFID For additional information about products mentioned in this release, or to learn more about TrustTag and our solutions, please visit or email directly to for any questions. About TrustTag Founded in 2004, TrustTag keeps developing and has become one of the largest manufacturers in China of EAS security tags, RFID tags and other loss prevention products. TrustTag has focused on solving the problem of retail theft with various solutions while anticipating the needs of retailers. Leading retailers worldwide have been using TrustTag’s innovative and high quality EAS&RFID retail security products to help decrease shrinkage, enhance inventory management, and improve customers experience. TrustTag’s manufacturing facility is […]

Auto-Retractable Spider Wrap
With many market researches, including interviewing the retailers and questionnaire survey, TrustTag has found that over 90% of the retailers think that it costs too much time to apply the spider wrap to box and retract the lanyards back after detaching. The costs of manpower and time invested in this process has been a headache for retailers. Based on the real-time needs of the market, TrusTag is honored to announce that our R&D Team has developed a new functional spider wrap: auto-retractable spider wrap. TrustTag’s auto-retractable spider wrap is spring-loaded with the power installation and the cables can retract back by itself with the retractable spring. This function can save a lot of time either on applying the spider wrap to box or detaching it from box. When applying, the auto-retractable spider wrap can grip the box so that the lanyards will be tight and organized without too much adjustment like the standard spider wraps. When detaching, the lanyards will retract back very quickly automatically. The auto-retractable spider wrap saves about 65% of the time applying and detaching compare to the standard spider wrap. To conclude, here are some of the key features of TrustTag’s auto-retractable spider wrap: Auto-Retractable Save time greatly when applying and detaching Replaceable Barrel The barrel(spring-loaded power box) is an add-on part to our standard spider that can be easily loaded, unloaded or even replaced when aged. Replaceable Battery The battery is not just long-lasting, but it is also replaceable! Dual Frequencies Available to make AM, RF and even RFID in one same tag Multiple alarms versions and different lock […]

AI – The Key to Smart Retail
In the last few years, AI(Artificial Intelligence) has become the most popular technology in industrial innovation. AI technology enhances the development of data analysis, AI robotics, language processing, computer vision, etc. And they are widely used in various area, like unmanned driving, aerospace, health care, manufacture, education, finance, etc. Today, we will talk about how retail industry benefits from AI technology, which enables retailers to explore what the customers are interested in to customize recommendation and improve customer experience greatly. AI Online Store – Knows better what you are looking for Based on data mining and deep learning, AI make the isolated massive data connected and much more valuable for easier customer analysis and better service. As mentioned in my other article “How Powerful Big Data Can Be to Retailers” , as long as retailers can use the big data well, they would also be able to predict sales and optimize their supply chains. For example, when you search “Red Skirt” on Amazon, different log in accounts may have different search results based on the previous purchases. With the help of AI, amazons would recommend Red Skirts that are in fashion style and using fabric material you like while fitting your shape. This way, customer will be able to find what they need much quicker, while enjoying the individuation of the Red Skirt. The AI search engine can do more than that. Have you ever seen something interested in buying but don’t know the name of it or even you know the […]

TrustTag is Awarded A-Level Taxpayer
On April 19, 2018, Guangdong Local Taxation Bureau released a list of tax-paying credit rating of the year 2017 confirmed by Guangzhou Municipal Office, SAT & Guangzhou Municipal Local Taxation Bureau. There are five levels in the rating: A Level, B Level, M Level, C level and D Level (Best>>Worst). Expectedly, Virginland Technology Co., Ltd(TrustTag) is awarded A-Level Taxpayer on the rating. As a taxpayer, what title of honor does an enterprise desire most? It must be A-Level Taxpayer on tax-paying credit rating. Becoming an A-Level taxpayer means it is a high-integrity enterprise and admitted to enjoy more convenient tax service. What’s more, if an enterprise won the honor of A-Level Taxpayer, it would be also assessed as A-class enterprise of Export Administration for more facilitation measures. Therefore, TrustTag insists on paying tax with honesty and integrity, in order to create a healthy trade and export environment for our respected customers consistently.

The defects of washing on RFID Source Tagging
Still remember we are talking about the basic information about RFID on my last chapter? What is RFID? You exactly got it, it’s Radio Frequency Identification. We talk about what it composes of, how it works and the most important is: why it works better than traditional barcode. On the last paragraph, we mention that: The RFID chips are loaded with electronic information. Today we would like to talk about if washing workable on RFID Source Tagging.(only refer to pocket label here) Source tagging is not strange to us: it’s the application of delivering sew-in soft labels from tag factory to apparel manufacturers. Then, the apparel manufacturers sew the tags to the clothes during the sewing production. The last step is from the apparel manufacturers to customers store with the sew-in labels on the apparel. Obviously, the streamline tag factory-apparel manufacturers-customer stores saves the time of not sewing the tags to the apparel in the retail stores. RFID Source Tagging shares the same streamline, the only difference is that the RFID pocket labels are with RFID chips inside. So what’s the defects of washing on RFID Source Tagging? Firstly, we need to know the washing process of the apparel factories. There are some main types of apparel washing which share some main points during the washing process for the clothes: A lot of water, additive agents, special elements, high temperature at lasting time. Secondly, based on the definition of RFID, we know that the RFID pocket labels are with the RFID chips which are […]